For 7 years, the pushing of Gender Critical beliefs has recieved no pushback or requirement of evidence from the UK Gov, EHRC and an unwilling UK Media. But now, as a direct result of Government Gender Critical policies, children are dying and a massive NHS cover-up has been exposed – this desperatly needs media exposure
Warning: this article includes reference to child suicide
Come in number 666, your Gender Critical time is up
For the last 7 years, those pushing Gender Critical beliefs have had the freedom to do so with relatively no pushback or requirement to justify any of their claims. With a like-minded Government, EHRC and UK media, it has been a relatively easy ride for them.
Their playbook was well rehearsed; always ensure you say you have nothing but respect and understanding for anyone trans wishing to live their life the way they identify, and claim that you are only speaking out to protect the hard fought rights of women or ensure vital safeguarding for children – and who could possibly argue with such sentiments? Of course women’s safety is absolutely paramount and safeguarding of all kids equally as compelling. The only problem is to claim this an issue, women do genuinely need to be in danger and children at genuine risk, but to date there has been simply no evidence that trans rights or the providing of trans healthcare cause any such issues.
So to date, claiming issues exist was sufficient and was never questioned.
When openly admitted by Women’s and Equalities Minister, Kemi Badenock, that the only reason she was able to ensure that the Cass Report reached its conclusions and recommendations was due to her “having gender-critical men and women in the UK government, holding the positions that mattered most in Equalities and Health…… We had incredible opposition from the system on everything. It was when the ministers changed that everything changed” As staggering an admission as it was, to admit that to achieve a predetermined outcome it was necessary for her to place Gender-Critical support to achieve a Gender Critical Report, but did this make headlines in the News? No, not a mention.
Considering the impact The Cass Report has had, being used to justify the complete halt of all trans kids healthcare in the UK (including a rarely used emergency legislation just a day before this Government lost its ability to legislate), the fact that the Cass Report has received universal condemnation from all around the world must surely have been reported?: But no, again nothing.
And the story has been the same for many years as those pushing their Gender Critical Ideology have become complacent and very open in expressing their views. Those given a platform can openly make anti-trans statements that will be printed on the front page of major newspapers without any fear of any need to explain their reasoning or provide any credible evidence that actually applied to trans women. A case in point being the latest Times front page article by JK Rowling, claiming “Labour has turned its back on women’.

TransLucent have proven with genuine evidence that there are no issues with trans women using single sex spaces or using women only hospital wards. Every Hospital bed in every ward has curtains that will totally protect everyone’s dignity, so that is not an issue. And if I, as a straight male, and I had been the victim of a sexual abuse by a man in my childhood, could I justifiably demand that no gay man be permitted to be on ANY men’s ward? “But surely it’s basic safeguarding as allowing gay men access represents a danger to all straight men!”.
Of course that wouldn’t be acceptable, as it’s a vile expression of homophobia, as would any similar claim by a racist or anti-Semite demanding exclusions. And it’s my opinion that the claims of ‘safeguarding’ from JK Rowling are exactly the same. It is genuinely horrendous that she was the victim of a sexual assault by a cisgender male, but of course it must not be ignored that this was not committed by a trans women, nor by a cisgender male predator pretending to be trans in order to commit the hideous act. But still JKR uses her awful experience to try to justify her ‘assault’ on trans rights.
So JK Rowling took this opportunity to write her article following the responses made by Keir Starmer in one of this week’s televised election debates, when questioned by a member of the public over his position on Rosie Duffield, who is a highly outspoken Gender Critical member of his party. Understandably, Starmer has come under considerable pressure and severe criticism from the trans community for his refusal to prove any trans allyship and support by taking the same action against transphobia in his party as he has taken over similar displays of anti-Semitism.
This has been frustrating to say the least, but I do understand the issue Keir would have faced if he had taken firm action before an election. It matters not what Labour does or doesn’t stand for when in Opposition. You can stand up in PM Question Time and try to hold the Government accountable, but words are all you have, and it is only when you have the keys to No10 that you can actually do anything that would genuinely make a difference.
I do appreciate that if Starmer had taken any action against any Gender Critical voices within his party, the backlash from a Gender Critical supporting media would have been like manna from heaven for Rushi Sunak. Headlines (wrongly) stating that ‘Labour puts women in danger’ and ‘Labour puts children’s lives at risk forcing them into life changing trans ideology’. We’ve seen this week the way JK Rowling has attempted to create a backlash against Labour and impact negatively on their election chances, which in itself is very revealing. Someone in JKR’s highly connected position clearly believes that Starmer does not support her Gender Critical position.
So the media focus following this article will of course be on Labour, but yet again, in no way will any media outlet seek to question the total lack of justification or the credibility of anything JK Rowling has claimed. Once again, no questioning of anything that doesn’t follow or support a Gender Critical position.
The media will continue to ignore or call out wave after wave of false Gender Critical claims – and I personally would have to call them ‘lies’ as not one is true, and those claiming them have had access to all the facts, so have to know the truth:
“There is an almost epidemic of gay kids being forced to be trans” “We have to stop schools teaching kids to believe there are 72 genders” “Trans women pose a safety risk to cisgender women on Women Only Hospital Wards” “Predatory Cisgender Men are abusing trans rights to attack women in single sex spaces” “Trans women are destroying women’s sport, winning Gold Medals and breaking Elite Records”.
It’s just lie after lie, but easy for the media to just ignore if they don’t have any intention to support trans people.
BUT, surely this is now all about to change.
The latest news simply can’t stay hidden, even though the media are actually doing their best to try to look the other way. So we need to make as much noise as possible to ensure this is not ignored and buried. As a trigger warning, the remainder of this articl features heavily on child suicide.
The difference now is that as a direct result of Government Gender Critical policies, children are dying and there is sufficient credible and verified evidence that a legal case is being launched by The Good Law Project,who publicly quoted the following:
We have heard from a well-placed whistleblower inside the NHS that, in the seven years before the decision in the Bell case (concerning the use of puberty blockers), one person using Gender Identity Development Services lost their life. The NHS reacted to that decision by introducing immediate, heavy restrictions to NHS services for young trans people. And it did not lift them when the decision was overturned in the Court of Appeal. We have been informed that in the three years following the decision 16 people lost their lives. We have contemporaneous evidence that this concern was raised at the time and the whistleblower believes senior management took a decision to suppress evidence of the deaths.
It is shocking enough there have been (a minimum of) 16 child suicides in under 3 years and it is being deliberately suppressed by the NHS, and God only knows how many attempted suicides have occurred during this period, but if that was not horrific enough, the situation we face was compounded further by this failing far right Government with their last minute act of pure spite and total lack of care for human life. And again remember, this is the lives of kids!
As stated by the Good Law Project:
Just before parliament was dissolved on 30 May, the health secretary Victoria Atkins introduced an immediate ban on trans young people obtaining in the UK puberty blockers prescribed by regulated prescribers in France, Germany, Switzerland and throughout Europe.
The consequences are profound.
A medicine that young trans people have used for decades, that is lawfully prescribed throughout Europe, that is recommended by decades-old international treatment protocols, that cis people can continue to use, and the NHS can continue to prescribe to young trans people if they have already started, will no longer be available. In fact, it will become a criminal offence to supply in the United Kingdom puberty blockers to those caught by the ban, punishable by up to two years in prison.
The Cass report has been widely criticised – by the trans community, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, by the Endocrine Society and by the American Academy of Pediatrics – for its conclusions. But even the Cass report contemplates continued use of puberty blockers to treat trans people.
The ban also bypassed the normal requirement for consulting a statutory committee to protect the public interest. And introducing it shortly before parliament rose meant that parliament could not scrutinise it either.
Its results are predictable – and terrifying.
It is also important to note that in the emergency legislation’s Explanatory Note, the government stated the following:
“An assessment of the effect of this instrument was undertaken and it was deemed that a full impact assessment would not be undertaken. The Regulations are not expected to have a significant impact on the public and voluntary sectors, and only a limited impact on the private sector, below the threshold for undertaking a full impact assessment.”
Let that sink in.
The Government, in rushing through an emergency change in legislation without any cross party debate or scrutiny, and without having any evidence that a serious life threatening problem even existed, they did not believe there was any reason to assess the impact. This has clearly resulted in the most horrific of impacts on the lives of many families but the Government didn’t even want to carry out a risk assessment.
Not even Cass stated any justification for an immediate ban on all use of puberty blockers, but this was rushed through, and no care or consideration was given to assess the impact of such a ban on children’s mental health. None.
Within the last few weeks, TransLucent have been made aware of 5 trans children attempting suicide due to all hope having been stripped away from them, and we have heard of 2 other children who needed to be placed on suicide watch.
How this has still not hit the national press is staggering and The Good Law Project reported that the only journalists to reach out to them (as of Friday 21st June) were from the US. But the fact this will go to Court, this will simply have to come out.
The quicker it does, the more pressure there will be to overturn the current emergency legislation.
When kid’s lives are being lost this will have to come out, and the public backlash will surely be no different to the recent Infected Blood, Windrush or Post Office scandals that we have all been shocked to learn about.
There is every likelihood that in just two weeks we will, mercifully, have a new Government in place, so any action will now take place under a Labour Government. Given the fact that this emergency legislation needs to be renewed after 3 months, if the full puberty blocker ban is to remain in law, this will be one of the first acts of the new administration, and quite clearly the lives of children under their watch will of course become their direct responsibility.
I have understood, but questioned, Labour’s reasoning to sit on the fence with a massive lead in the polls to protect and the only aim being to secure an election win, but there will no longer be any need of consideration due to electioneering. Children’s lives will now be in their hands, and Keir Starmer and Wes Streeting will not want to start their Government by being complicit and adding to the horrific death toll.
Having had personal involvement in this for around 9 years I have seen how this has panned out and always feared that it might take the impact of human disaster to be the catalyst that enabled change. But I never envisage it would be with children taking their lives.
There will always be those who discriminate and public opinion in itself is not an issue. In 2004 a YouGov poll revealed that 52% of the UK public were against same sex marriage; by 2022 the level of support was at 76% with just 13% still being opposed. Public opinion will change and clearly is influenced by what they see and hear, so with an anti-trans media, the current opinions on trans rights is no surprise, but opinions alone do not cause an issue. What does matter is when those holding such beliefs get into positions of power, and Kemi Badenoch showed how important this has been. But when all those with Gender Critical beliefs have is that “It will happen”, because they have no evidence it is happening, the penny will finally drop and the scaremongering will have less and less impact. But that takes time, and kids today don’t have time.
So my fear has always been in seeing what point we were likely to reach before public opinion would demand a change, and tragically it looks like the public exposure of the tragic loss of life is needed to turn this around. In the same way that the lone isolated voices of sub-postmasters were not heard until they came together and a TV drama was able to share their tragic human experiences, we are at that stage where parents of those most impacted by this scandal need to come together so the public can hear their voices.
It is heartbreaking to think that parents who have already suffered a tragic loss or are struggling to deal with kids currently attempting or contemplating the taking of their own lives, now need to expose their heartbreak in public, but we have no choice that this is now what needs to happen.
When public exposure of what this scandal does is seen, in the same way as other recent scandals, it will show the first-hand accounts from devastated families that will be harrowing to hear and witness because it adds a real and human face to what has happened, and nothing hits the public harder. We at TransLucent are all too aware of how distressing this will be, as we heard the unbelievably brave words of Caroline and Peter Litman at our Conference last November, who talked of the heartbreaking loss of their own daughter Alice and whose desperate hope is to stop this happening to other families.
The fact is this is still happening, and remember, this isn’t a historical issue. Until some positive action is taken, the likelihood of similar fate devastating even more families will continue to grow every week. The longer this takes to hit the public, the more young lives will be affected, so those in the UK media simply must act now rather than wait, as every day that all prospect of hope is denied for trans kids, the risk grows greater.
Once we have reached the point where this is all exposed, which at the very latest will be via the oncoming court case, every prominent Gender Critical voice once respected and given freedom to spread their beliefs on TV, on radio, online and in the media, will finally be exposed for what they have done. No women’s rights have been lost and none have been genuinely impacted by the existence trans rights. No children have been placed in danger, in fact we now know the complete opposite is true. As a result of the combined actions of all prominent GC voices, kids lives are been lost and families destroyed forever.
Once exposed, no longer will GC’s be permitted to make their unsubstantiated claims without any evidence to back them up – and because that evidence simply doesn’t exist, their true position will be exposed for once and for all and they will no longer have free reign to spread lies, misinformation and scaremongering that has now resulted in this loss of lives. Children’s lives! The claim “You will have blood on your hands” will undoubtedly be heard and all those Gender Critical who have publicly played a highly vocal role will need a long hard look in the mirror and to be accountable for what their actions have led to. There is a well-used meme of David Mitchell in a Nazi uniform asking “Are we the baddies?”. Yes, you are.
The Gender Critical boat will have sailed – “Come in number 666, your time is finally up”, and make no mistake about it, no one will forgive nor forget the part you all have played.
If you are rightly shocked by this article and want to play a part in helping, please spread this story as far as you can as we need someone in main stream media to expose this. If you can, please also share and/or use the following link to visit and support the GOOD LAW Project’s legal campaign to Challenge the ban on Puberty Blockers, and help to save kids’ lives:
Thank you.