How to Report a Hate Crime
In an emergency call 999 or 112.
If you’re deaf or hard of hearing, use the police textphone service 18000 or text on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergencySMS service.
You can call out hate incidents and hate crimes in various ways, including using the True Vision website, the “Zoteria” app or directly to TransLucent using the via the the form below.
Contact TransLucent about a Hate Crime
We would advise you to use the comprehensive reporting methods above initially.
However you may require help or advise in reporting a hate crime and we will do our best to help.
All information you supply is in the strictest confidence of course and we will never share this information unless you ask us to.
It's important to report hate crime.
Hate crime is prevalent in the UK towards trans and TGDTGD Acronym: TGD : Transgender and Gender Diverse A fairly new acronym created to replace "Trans and Gender Non-Conforming". Further Information people.
TransLucent are extremely active in this area and one of our team members was recently appointed to sit on the Independent Advisory Group (IAG) of True Vision Stop Hate Crime. True Vision is operated by the National Police Chiefs Council and is highly influential. Currently, TransLucent is the only trans-led organisation with a voice in this influential group, which includes the father of Stephen Lawrence, Dr Neville Lawrence OBE.
Constantly reporting hate does result in creating data, and eventually, the Police will be forced to act.
What is a Transgender Hate Crime?
‘Transgender hate crimes’ and non-crime incidents are acts which target a victim because of the offender’s hostility to a transgender person or to transgender people in general.
Any incident or crime which is perceived by the victim to be motivated by hostility to transgender people will be recorded as such. If the offender is to have a sentence enhanced by the court, then prosecutors must provide evidence to prove that, but such proof is not required for recording purposes.
Hate crimes can be committed against a person or property.
Further Information
- Report-it, True Vision: What is a transgender hate crime - Report-it, True Vision: Why should I report hate crime?
Smart Activism
We know many trans activists don’t like the Police and refuse to assist them. Please think again. If a burglar was in your house, who would you call for help?
If you are involved in counter-protesting at events , “smart activism” could include recording and reporting hate or transphobic content by trans-hostile groups or people who speak at those events. If the far-right attends these events, that MUST be reported.