Browsing: Health Services

At Translucent, we are dedicated to monitoring all aspects of healthcare services to advance visibility, social acceptance, legal recognition and improve healthcare for the UK’s transgender and gender-diverse community. As part of this, we monitor health services in order to:

  • Examine health care access: Our articles highlight that transgender people in the UK experience the worst access to healthcare in Europe.
  • Advocate for mental health: Our articles address mental health and the need to involve mental health services only when absolutely necessary.
  • Address issues in trans healthcare: We reveal that established NHS healthcare for trans people is not fit for purpose and that NHS England has never recorded how many trans patients are waiting for care.
  • Monitor NHS activity: Our articles monitor the activities of and work with the NHS to improve access to, and provision of trans healthcare.
  • Address integration of care: We focus on the effective integration of care to make health care more ‘joined-up’.
  • Review NHS services: We aim to review Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Offer support: We provide information on how to develop effective models for the health services needed to support trans adults before, during and after they are seen by NHS-commissioned specialist gender identity services.
  • Scrutinise NHS England: We try to obtain information in relation to the UKs Adult Gender Identity Clinics (GICs) from NHS England.
  • Address Primary Healthcare: Our articles focus on primary healthcare and the GP experience.
  • Address gender identity services: Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC) will commission a Gender Identity Service for Adults (Non-Surgical).
  • Address failures in performance and service delivery: This report shows that the existing ‘specialist service’ model is no longer viable, using data provided by service providers themselves to indicate multiple failures in performance and service delivery.
  • Offer freedom of information requests: Freedom of Information Request Jan 2022 relating to Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Address trans healthcare as an equalities issue: Trans healthcare is both a health and an equalities issue.
GIC Report into NHS trans healthcare service models

Introduction to GIC Report Adult trans healthcare via Gender Identity Clinics (GICs) has been in disarray for many years. With…