Ending the gender war and cooperation. Continue Reading Hate, Healthcare & Cooperation.
Author: Translucent Team
Making the case why trans folk cannot live a normal cis life. Continue Reading Changing the Narrative – Trans Folk Are Disabled
A hard call, but kids should be heard. Continue Reading Kids, Puberty Blockers and the Keira Bell Case
The everyday sign outside the ladies loo that demolishes the ‘women’s places’ argument. Continue Reading Male Cleaner In Attendance
Stats show we are 50% less likely to commit a sexual offence than cis people. Continue Reading Statistics Prove That Cisgendered People Commit more Sexual Offences than Transgendered.
NHS healthcare is not fit for purpose. With support & training GP’s could help. Continue Reading Steph’s Place Trans Healthcare Campaign
Listening to each other is important – with thanks to everyone who has contributed to this page. Continue Reading TERF War Draft Manifesto For Peace.
Not male, not female – the third sex. Continue Reading The binary. One two, one two. A never-ending stream of just two digits.
The two groups of people who offer no peace to the TERF wars Continue Reading The Finger Print of the TERF. Binary, Right-Wing Christian Transphobes.
Trans Ideology is a term often used by the gender critical but what is its meaning? Continue Reading What is Trans Ideology? Kathleen Stock’s incomprehensible contradictions