By Dalton Harrison Continue Reading Smashing it September
Browsing: Steph’s Place
Welcome to Steph’s place. All things transgender. Started in June202 when I finally realised that the world is becoming a very transphobic place.
I dare any gender-critical radical feminist to read it and not be moved. Continue Reading Book Review: Whipping Girl by Julia Serano
Feminism and the fight for transgender futures. Continue Reading Book Review: TERF Wars
Informative and down right honest. Easy to understand and relate to. Continue Reading Book Review: A Reflective Guide To Gender Counselling by Madison-Amy Webb
Moving, intelligent and funny – yet one of the easiest reads ever. Continue Reading Book Review: Hiding from Myself by Amber Rose Washington.
Entertaining, cis friendly, a very good read. Continue Reading Book Review: Yes, You Are Trans Enough by Mia Violet
By Sophie W (Precarious Woman) Continue Reading Book Review: The Transgender Issue by Shon Faye
Like a flower blooming out of an oasis of confusion, very touching. Continue Reading Book Review: Trans A Memoir by Juliet Jacques.
How do I begin to review the book “Trans Power” from Juno Roche? Continue Reading Book Review: Trans Power by Juno Roche