Roundup of non MSM content re Cass Review
While I slog through the final report of The Cass Review, which is like trying to read 400 pages of really bad ‘gender critical’ fan fiction about trans people, I’ve been bookmarking and noting stuff of interest that other people have been discovering in direct or indirect relation to it, as well as responses & critiques.
So I thought Id round these up and put them in one place for reference (in no particular order)
Suffice to say the abuse of this review to attack trans healthcare is a scandal of frankly monumental proportions, which some are rightly calling #CassGate.
Critiques & Responses
- The Cass Review: Cis-supremacy in the UK’s approach to healthcare for trans children – Intl Journal of Transgender Health
- UK: Cass review on gender identity is being ‘weaponised’ by anti-trans groups – Amnesty International
- The Cass review: trans care or trans scare? – Jenny Kermode, Yorkshire Bylines
- Trans people & parents on Natasha Devons LBC show – LBC Global Player (about 34 mins in)
- Academic Open Letter criticising Cass Review – FGEN, Twitter Thread
- Owen Hurcum critique – Twitter
- Cass Review out of step with high-quality care provided in Aotearoa – PATHA Response
- General Critique – Twitter Thread
‘Gender Critical’ Bias
- Cass refollows anti-trans group TransgenderTrend & others on Social Media – Twitter Thread
- Cass refollows anti-trans group LGB Alliance on social media – Twitter Thread
- Conversion Abuse Advocate on Cass Review Governance Board & Met with Florida Trans Ban Architect – GenderAnalysis
- Cass promotes study by abusive anti-trans academic – Twitter Thread
- Veteran trans campaigner: ‘Cass review has potential for positive change’ – Stephen Whittle, Guardian
Conversion Abuse & Trans Ban Links
- Cass Met With DeSantis Pick Over Trans Ban: Her Review Now Targets England Trans Care – Erin Reed (Twitter thread with additional info)
- Links to Finlands anti-trans clinician Riittakerttu Kaltiala-Heino & Florida’s Trans Ban Architect Patrick Hunter – Twitter
- Links to Conversion Therapy & how Cass is being weaponised – Twitter Thread
- Cass Review lauds Finnish Clinic that employs conversion abuse practices – Twitter Thread
Data Linkage & Data Sharing
- Illegal Data Sharing & real reason for data linkage? – Twitter Thread
- Common Law Duty of Confidentiality – Twitter Thread
- Data Linkage Issues & how to withdraw consent for data being used in research – Twitter Thread
- Scope of Data Linkage greater than originally told – Twitter Thread
Cass Review & Yorkshire Uni’s Bad Science
- Hilary Cass’ NHS report is rife with debunked theories and falsehoods -The Advocate
- Cass Review excluded 98% of gender-affirming hormone studies to reach its conclusion – Queer AF, Medium
- Majority of trans positive studies ignored by Cass Review by using impossibly high bar for evidence – Twitter Thread
- Peer review doesn’t guarantee good science when bias is present – Twitter Thread
- Brain development in 18-25 year olds – Twitter Thread
- How double blind studies could be used – Twitter Thread
- anti-trans clinician Riittakerttu Kaltiala ‘s Suicide Study– Twitter Thread (note this is also a conversion Abuse / GC bias link)
- References to anti-trans youtube account ‘Thoughts on Things and Stuff’ that uses content abusing trans people – Twitter Thread
- Lack of RCTs in paediatric care – Twitter Thread
- Detransitioners – Twitter Thread
- Cass Review so poor it would not pass peer review process itself– Twitter Thread
- Cass Review ludicrous claims about height – Twitter Thread
- Cass Review claims exposure to online porn makes someone trans – Twitter Thread
Other Stuff
- Cost of Review to UK Taxpayer (£3171 per page) – Twitter Thread
- Lies about trans people in history – Twitter Thread
- More lies about trans people in history – Twitter Thread
- Even more lies about trans people in history – Twitter Thread