E.H.R.CE.H.R.C Equality and Human Rights Commission The EHRC was established in 2007 by the then Labour government to monitor human rights in England, Wales and Scotland, and to enforce equality laws based on protected characteristics, such as sexuality, gender reassignment, race and religion. Although not part of a government department, the EHRC is a public sector organisation funded by the taxpayers, whose senior leaders are appointed by the government. The organisation’s “vision and purpose”, which is embedded in staff email signatures, says it is committed to standing up for “freedom, compassion and justice.” https://equalityhumanrights.com/en">https://equalityhumanrights.com/en (Equality and Human Rights Commission) : Update
2022 Feb 2nd
Key players in the EHRC , Britain’s Equalities Watchdog , appears to have been influenced by multiple private meetings with anti-trans lobbyists over the last year (such as the founders of the LGB Alliance), thus removing rights from trans people by supporting legal cases that opposed trans equality.
Leaked documents show current leaders of the EHRC appear to hold views about trans people and gender identity which completely contradict their statements that:
- “The organisation’s “vision and purpose”, which is embedded in staff email signatures, says it is committed to standing up for “freedom, compassion and justice.
- “We exist to protect, enforce and promote equality and human rights laws for everyone, including trans people”
The Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission is held by Baroness Kishwer Falkner.
Trans in Elite Sport
Sport and in particular trans women competing at ‘elite level’
GRA ReformGRA Reform Gender Recognition Reform Bill - Scotland https://www.gov.scot/news/gender-recognition-reform-bill/ Published 03 March 2022 09:34 Part of Equality and rights Simplifying how trans people apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate. See Also https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/mermaids-manifesto-for-gra-reform/ https://www.stonewall.org.uk/what-does-uk-government-announcement-gender-recognition-act-mean in Scotland
Do you believe a man is a woman if he says he is?
The Scottish Government does. And they want to make it law by amending the Gender Recognition Act.