Trans Women in Female NHS Hospital Wards- A briefing note disproves claims about trans women in female NHS hospital wards and concludes that allowing trans women to occupy a bed in an NHS hospital ward which aligns with their gender identity is a matter of equality and non-discrimination.
Trans Women in Female NHS Hospital Wards – Briefing Note
Everyone, regardless of their gender identity, should be able to expect privacy and dignity while staying in an NHS hospital ward. However, in recent years, there has been a surge in gender-critical claims that trans women’s presence in women’s hospital wards is problematic.
Trans Women in Female NHS Hospital Wards – The Gender-Critical Movement
It’s important to note that these claims are made by a small number of women’s “sex-based rights” organisations, backed by a handful of Conservative MPs, and there is a substantial amount of data to disprove there are any issues in NHS hospitals. Government Minister Steve Barclay brought the alleged “issue” to the public’s attention at the Conservative Conference in Manchester in 2023. The Guardian reported the backlash within the Conservative party with their report saying:
Other senior Tories were more strongly critical of Barclay’s speech, but asked to remain anonymous given their role in the government. One said: “I’m fed up of feeling intimidated by bigots and want people to know we’re still a home for LGBT+ people. Many of us will not back down.” Barclay sought to appeal to Tory members, telling conference delegates in Manchester “we know what a woman is”.
Trans Women in Female NHS Hospital Wards – Investigations
Since 2021, TransLucent has undertaken four separate investigations into allegations from the gender-critical movement and the right-wing media concerning trans women inpatients in female NHS hospital wards, making, in total, 282 Freedom of Information requests to NHS Foundation Trusts (or equivalent in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland).
Our most recent investigation, led by Rob Cleary, a former Director at NHS England, was a comprehensive study that considered various aspects of any complaint. Rob’s investigation centred on all of the 180 acute and mental health trusts in England responsible for the inpatient care of adult men and women, asking how many complaints they had received in the 12 months to September 2023 regarding the presence of trans women on women’s wards.
The acute trusts were asked (for the year ending 31/08/23):
- How many women inpatients complained that a trans woman inpatient was being cared for in the same ward as the complainant?
While in the same period, the mental health trusts were asked:
- How many women inpatients complained that a trans woman inpatient was sharing the same sleeping accommodation as the complainant?
- How many women inpatients complained that a trans woman inpatient was using the same women-only day room(s) that had been made available to the complainant?
- How many women inpatients complained about both of the aspects of their care referred to in questions 1 and 2?
No complaints were ever found in our previous investigations – in our most recent investigation, one complaint was found.
All replies from the NHS Foundation Trusts can be found on the related page of this website. A backup investigation found that the complaint was non-serious, and the NHS Foundation Trust took no further action.
Trans Women in Female NHS Hospital Wards – Conclusion
Allowing trans women to occupy a bed in an NHS hospital ward that aligns with their gender identity is a matter of equality and non-discrimination. Ultimately, using curtains surrounding every hospital bed can respect everyone’s privacy and dignity.
The NHS has a steadfast duty to provide equitable care to all patients, and this includes respecting and affirming the gender identities of trans individuals. By ensuring that trans women have access to the same level of care and comfort as other patients, the NHS can uphold its unwavering commitment to providing high-quality, patient-centred care.
Trans Women in Female NHS Hospital Wards – Briefing Note 11/01/25