TransLucent advocates for the trans and non-binary community, which represents approximately 0.5% of the UK population, similar in size to the Jewish community. We are very aware of the toxicity of debates in the media and some parts of society concerning trans people’s human rights, and we are pleased that this government seeks to address this issue – it is an aim we mutually share.
We are also pleased that this government seeks to take action against online hate, include trans people in the forth-coming “conversion therapy” ban, reform the Gender Recognition Act and improve NHS healthcare for trans people.
To this end, we are delighted to have met Baroness Gillian Merron (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department of Health and Social Care) on October 30th 2024, when we discussed trans healthcare, including concerns regarding the Cass Review and the ongoing prescription ban of puberty blockers via private healthcare providers.
On November 26th, members of our team (as per photograph) met The Rt Hon Anneliese Dodds MP (Minister for Women and Equalities) to discuss a broad range of issues affecting the trans community, and we look forward to further meetings with government ministers in the coming months.
These two meetings are only a snapshot of what the TransLucent team has done over the past twelve months; over 2900 hard copies of “TRANS: A Community Under Attack” have been distributed/downloaded, 1050 of those at the Labour Party Conference – downloadable copies are available by clicking HERE.
We have written hundreds of letters to MPs, meeting many nationwide. We have provided briefing notes to stakeholders, attended numerous events, and our team members have made several media appearances. Our website has been visited hundreds of thousands of times, with traffic increasing by over 500% in the last year.
Finance remains a severe problem for TransLucent, and we are working hard to find solutions. Currently, our team consists of nineteen volunteers with a range of expert skills, none of whom are paid – if you can donate, please click HERE.
It is important to note that, like being gay, being transgender is not a choice – transition is a matter of survival and one of the most challenging in humanity.
We need to look no further than what occurs in Brazil, where around 100 trans people are murdered every year. Because of employment discrimination, social stigma, and discrimination, many are forced into sex work before becoming victims of crime. Still, every year, people in Brazil transition because they are trans, ignoring the risks that will occur.
Everyone has human rights, and equality, diversity and inclusion are fundamental to civil society – we will only have equality when we ALL have equality.
Position Statement – The Cass Report:
In April 2024, Dr Hillary Cass published a report concerning the healthcare of gender-questioning and trans children. Though instantly accepted by both major political parties, her report has been widely criticised worldwide. In response, TransLucent worked with numerous healthcare experts (mainly outside our organisation), publishing on August 29th 2024, our report “Responding to the Cass Review: A Solution Focused Approach.”
Our report (download HERE) is now supported and endorsed by ‘LGBT Consortium’ the umbrella organisation of over 650 LGBT organisations in the UK. Government ministers also have copies.
As an organisation, we understand that many in the trans community consider the Cass Report unfit for purpose, and calls are emerging for an Independent Review of Dr Cass’s report. While we are sympathetic to the concerns, we also felt the need to be pragmatic, accepting that this government intends to implement all of Dr Cass’s recommendations. Consequently, our report is designed to “sit alongside” the Cass Review, with the hope that children needing gender-affirming healthcare will receive the care they need.
Position Statement – Puberty Blockers:
TransLucent is of the view that puberty-blocking GnRH analogues are safe to use in gender-questioning children wanting to suppress puberty, giving them time to think. We accept that all medicines have risks, but a “one-size-fits-all” approach will leave some patients behind. You can download our position statement HERE.
Position Statement – Single-Sex Spaces:
TransLucent supports the need for single-sex spaces as per the Equality Act 2010. However, we reject trans-hostile suggestions that the Equality Act should be changed. We have made over 300 Freedom of Information Requests to provide data proving our position is justified – click HERE for details.
2025 Manifesto:
1: We will continue to advocate for trans acceptance and trans voices in society and government.
2: Working with other stakeholders, we will campaign for changes in the law regarding media misinformation and accountability.
3: We will continue to work with the government regarding GRA reformGRA Reform Gender Recognition Reform Bill - Scotland Published 03 March 2022 09:34 Part of Equality and rights Simplifying how trans people apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate. See Also .
4: We will continue to work with the “Ban Conversion Therapy” coalition. A Bill is scheduled for the Spring.
5: We will continue to work in the ‘Trans Health’ coalition.
6: We will highlight the practices of named (SPLC) hate groups, including SEGM, Genspect and the ADF and British citizens and organisations associated with them.
7: We will advocate for selected British trans-hostile organisations to be designated as hate groups.
8: We will continue to advocate for improving health services for gender-questioning and trans adolescents.
9: We will be reviving our #EveryThreeDays campaign, remembering 125 women killed by men.
10: We will continue to advocate for the use of Puberty Blockers in NHS and private services, reviewing our policies monthly.